Monday, February 23, 2009

Steve Stenzel's Annual FIVE QUESTIONS

I don't know if Steve Stenzel is really going to make this an annual event, but he sure is making his mark in the Triathlon cyber world. If you've never read his blog GO-THERE-NOW. Completely entertaining!

Here are the five questions he sent me:

1.) What was the race that got you "hooked?" Explain.

I had actually never seen a "live" triathlon, only heard of an Olympic one that they held in the seaside town of Viareggio nearby . But this guy I knew had finished it so I thought that maybe I would be able to, especially since he wasn't particularly "macho" or "athletic". I mentioned it to a few of my male running friends and they started telling me that it would be impossible for me and that the swim part...well, the swim part was really really difficult.

Now, I don't think they were looking at me. I think in actuality they were looking at themselves. This girl grew up in northern California where the water is freezing ass cold and the waves have undertows and if you can survive for a thirty minute swim you're like a superhero. These guys were talking about a jaunt in the waveless mediterranean sea. I was pretty sure I could handle it. My only goal was NOT to be last, and when I came out of the water in the front of the pack I knew I was totally hooked. Superhero again!

2.) What race or event are you most looking forward to this year? Why?

Paris Marathon, April 5. Piero and Evan are coming and we'll be going to Eurodisney before the race. I'll have lots of friends and clients that I train with us. Even though I am training I don't feel particularly attached to the outcome so I'm going into the the race relaxed and just expecting to have a great time.

3.) If you had to pick a current game show to be on, which one would you pick? Why?

In Italy they still have "Who wants to be a millionaire". I usually make it to the 30.000 dollar mark on my own while I watch the program. After that it depends on the questions they ask...

4.) I'm conducting a study: do you prefer a man in boxers or briefs?


5.) What brand of athletic gear are you most loyal to? Why?

Nike running shoes. I've tried them all (Asics, Adidas, NB, Mizuno) but these are the only shoes that I can put on, brand new, and go out and run right away without having any problems. I think you really have to see which brand suits your particular foot.

To play along:
1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I will respond by giving you five questions. (I get to pick the questions.)
3. You will update your blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview others in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

Sunday, February 08, 2009

The cover

I've been talking about this for so long, I can hardly believe it's (almost) here. The first book cover that the first graphic artist made was HORRIBLE. It was so bad that I outright refused to even have the book published if it was going to have that cover. I told my editor that I had a graphic artist that had experience with books...and then I had to find one fast, which I did. The second graphic artist gave me a choice of ten different covers. Totally the wrong thing to do with me because if you give me any kind of choice and I don't have a definate opinion on it, I'll never make a decision. So I let a few of my friends help me in deciding. This is what we almost unanimously chose. So, don't tell me you don't like it 'cause then I'll show you the first one!