Friday, October 07, 2005

Early Winter

No, I haven't slipped away...still here...just went through a hormonal induced two week depression bonanza that seems to have finally left my body. Whew! I only have two more weeks until my marathon, two weeks more of training, but I seem to have lost a little focus. This always happens to me a few weeks away from the event. I think it just comes from being ready to do it NOW and not wanting to wait anymore. But I do need to taper and I do need the extra time to get it together mentally for that 42km trip.
I'm pretty sure I won't be able to run a BQ time of four hours, but I probably be able to trim some time off my 4 hour 21 minute springtime marathon. I have a lot of friends that are coming to run with me, supporting me the whole way, and that is a nice thought.
My biggest problem right now is the weather. It started raining this last week and it literally hasn't stopped. Yesterday I went for an 80 minute run and it poured three times during the session. Today I was supposed to run for two hours but it just won't let up and I'm going to have to come up with plan "B". I'll go meditate on that now...

1 comment:

anji said...

Hi Julia :)
I won't tell you that we're having the highest temperatures ever recorded here for the past week, and how beautiful and nice it has been :) I'll keep that to myself...

Though, that said, tomorrow it may snow. From 30c to 3c in less than two days. Humph.

I'll keep you in my thoughts for your marathon! I hope it goes well and if you need to write, you know where I am!
