Saturday, April 22, 2006

Not always what you think...

This photo has nothing to do with my entry, I just thought I'd put it up 'cause Evan's a sun- shiny kind of kid that is always smiling and happy. He makes me happy and smiley too!

I went to a new doctor in Milan a few weeks ago. For the new and memory lapsed, I'm having trouble with perimenopause, I like to look into alternative medicine thus, the new doctor. He had me do a food intolerance test and talked about how I should eat. That merits a whole other entry so I'll do that at a later date. ANYWAY, he asked me to do a few blood tests to look at my hormone levels. My sister in law is a lab tech so I had her do the tests and she decided to include everything else she could think of. I got them back and noted that I have iron levels at an all time low. I've been really really tired and sleepy and lethargic. I am so happy to know that there is a cure! For your info I looked at the Sideremia (Iron). Normal levels are 50 - 160mcg/100 ml. Mine were at 2. Two! And the minimum is fifty. Sheesh...I'm still waiting to hear back from the doctor on this (It's a never ending holiday over here between Easter, Liberation day and Labor day), but I'm pretty sure the new diet will take care of it. Just to be on the safe side I'm taking a supplement until I hear from him. It's only been a few days but already I feel better. I didn't even have to take a nap yesterday!

Monday, April 03, 2006

Update! Update!

So busy, so busy, no time to even give a thought to anything but writing (for work) and my kids (who are wonderful, but a lot of upkeep). Let's see...

- I ran the More Marathon and had a great time in New York City. My final time was 4h20'15" which for me is a mini post baby PR. I'll take anything ... I didn't buy too much stuff in NY, but I did buy a lot of junk like easter bunny cookie cut outs and neon food dye. I love cooking.

- Before I left for the marathon I thought I'd go get my legs waxed. Fine, I do it all the time but this time the girl asked me if I wanted the bikini area done. Okay, I said. I mean it's starting to get warm so I might as well start now...OUCH! Talk about brazilian wax job! I had a hard time convincing my husband that NO I wasn't not going to the States to have an affair even though my pube area was now...oh we won't get into it...

- For one week after the marathon I had a speeded up metabolism. You know what? It almost bothered me. I me, you're hungry all the time and you have to think constantly about what you have to eat and do it. Otherwise you pretty much can't concentrate on anything else. I'm glad to say that it's back to normal now, sluggish and slow.

- The book. The editor called. Where's The Book. Oh, it's almost ready. When? May. (HA!!!) You all might not hear from me until then...